Motul BOOST AND CLEAN polttoainejärjestelmän puhdistusaine 200ml 2T/ 4T moottoripyörille.
Puhdistaa tehokkaasti koko moottoripyörän polttoainejärjestelmän tankista venttiileihin asti jo yhdellä pullollisella. Mahdollistaa sekä oktaaniluvun kasvattamisen että kaasuttimien, suuttimien, venttiilien, siirtoporttien ja palokammion puhdistamisen. Puhdistaa ja voitelee myös koko polttoainepiirin.
Käyttöohje: Lisää pullon koko sisältö polttoainesäiliöön ennen tankkausta. Pullollinen (200 ml) riittää 15-25 litraan polttoainetta. Älä ylitä suositeltua annosmäärää.
Pour one dose (200 ml) of MOTUL BOOST AND CLEAN MOTO in a full tank of gas.
For better efficiency, repeat every two full tanks.
MOTUL BOOST AND CLEAN MOTO is a fuel additive to be added to gasoline, which can be used in all types of 2-Stroke and 4-Stroke motorcycle engines. Its powerful and dedicated formula allows both to increase the octane number and to clean the carburetors, injectors, valves, transfer ports and combustion chambers. Also cleans and lubricates the entire fuel circuit.
MOTUL BOOST AND CLEAN MOTO is a gasoline additive compatible with E10 fuels (Ethanol 10 %)
Efficient combustion is a prerequisite for optimum engine operation. By increasing the gasoline octane number, MOTUL
– Better combustion and better performance.
– Faster start-ups and accelerations.
– Preservation of the combustion chamber cleanliness.
– Limitation of engine knocking and abnormal combustions.
A clean fuel system is a necessary condition for an effective engine running. MOTUL BOOST AND CLEAN MOTO allows
– Clean the carburetors or the injectors (for a better atomization).
– Prevent the formation of deposits and varnishes on inlet valves, transfer ports and in combustion
– Disperse condensation water in order to avoid any fuel system oxidation.
The use of MOTUL BOOST AND CLEAN MOTO will provide:
– Improved engine performance and driving pleasure.
– Improved combustion performance: start-up, idling and acceleration.
– Reduction of fuel consumption and pollutant emissions.
– Fuel savings.
– Increased lifetime of the fuel system and the catalytic converter.